Sunday, June 2, 2013

In full swing!

We left Monday morning to begin our 3.5 day drive to Washington! All went great and rainy! Thankfully once we got to the really beautiful parts of North Dakota and Montana, the skies cleared and we were able to see the mountains and vast skies. 

Leaving Virginia! 
Derrick saying goodbye to his pups at home!
Thursday afternoon as we arrived in Spokane, we settled into our "house", which is a glorified garage that has been converted into a house. It's really perfect for us! Tiny, but we love it and have made it our home. 
Friday came with lots of new faces, introductions, games, lectures, and fun. All 3 Peak 7 locations are here for the next few weeks of training, so it's a packed place around here, but it's going great. As we get to know everyone, it's pretty obvious that God's going to do great things through each staff member. 
Definitely a fan of this NP! We would highly recommend it!
I(Bekah) have a 3 day trip coming up in a week and a half at the Wenatchee State Park. Prayers would be appreciated as we prepare for a group of about 25 high-schoolers. During this trip, Derrick will be on ascent guide training! He is going to have a really awesome time and pick up on all the new skills he will learn super fast. All the new staff will!

Here are a few things on our hearts that we would love prayer for:
- for our Spokane team to bond as a really strong community
- for the adjustment time to go by a little faster- it's taking a little while to get in the groove of things
- for our hearts to desire Jesus more than anything

We are loving it here. The northwest is truly an incredible place with some amazing people, and we can't wait to meet all the awesome youth that are here in these cities!!

The Peak 7 crew all together! Spokane, Seattle, & Oregon... Here's to a great summer!

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